Well hello everyone. Whilst enjoying the benefits of being 21 years old (...with my parents...) I decided that I would write ANOTHER blog post whilst listening to Frank Sinatra to inform everyone of the collection that will be occurring in our abode. As of now. Also, whilst is a pretty cool world.
ANYWAY, my friend's parents just sold their house ( :( ) but she's going to be living in my house all summer ( :) ), so it's basically okay, and it ALSO means that they are trying to get rid of some of the absurd amounts of CRAP they have accumulated throughout the years (I'm allowed to say that cause I'm helping them move out -for payment :)-). This ALSO means that things that they would just throw away are going to meeee :). Sorry about the prominence of smileys in this situation, I'm trying to cut back.
So far (pretty much everything), we have a set of dishes (big plates, little plates, bowls), a couple mugs AND some kinda
weirdly-shaped wine glasses (but who cares once there's some
Bohemian Highway in them, amiright?). There's a mixing bowl and a tray in there for whatever use as well, and we also have a chance to acquire a hanging parrott-like decorative sculpture that I WILL bring to Wooster unless someone stops me within the next 24 hours. BAM.
Anyway, that's the news from here, I hope everyone's as EXCITED as I am!!!!