UPDATE: On Sunday night I came in from rehearsal to find a SECOND bat in our room. (Possibly the same one, and he's very persistant.) This time I had the assistance of Mr. Andrew Dirgo, who gallantly trapped it against the wall of my closet with a shoe box. On Monday I decided it was high time I informed security, and yesterday they sent over someone from the carpentry shop to fill up all the holes around our closet with caulk...classy as always, Wooster. So far, no more bats.
Saturday, August 20
Wildlife Sighting
Yesterday, I was woken at 4 AM by a flapping sound, and I thought to myself, "That's just my curtains, right?" Then as my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a dark shape moving quickly across the ceiling and thought, "Guerrilla advertising for The Dark Knight Rises!"
After hiding under a blanket for a couple minutes saying "Don't echolocate me!" I attained a more reasonable state of mind and spent the next half hour waiting for our little baby bat to fly low enough for me to throw a towel on him (he didn't) or fly out the window I generously opened for him (he didn't do that either). Eventually he landed on the closet door and managed to crawl back into the Darkness From Whence It Came (by which I mean whatever sketchy hollow areas behind our walls that are accessible to bats). I spent the whole of Friday hoping it had found its way back outside, but then he reappeared while I was eating dinner. THIS time I trapped him in the porch and persuaded him to exit through the front door. Success! Sooo...bats can get into our house. Things I have learned.
UPDATE: On Sunday night I came in from rehearsal to find a SECOND bat in our room. (Possibly the same one, and he's very persistant.) This time I had the assistance of Mr. Andrew Dirgo, who gallantly trapped it against the wall of my closet with a shoe box. On Monday I decided it was high time I informed security, and yesterday they sent over someone from the carpentry shop to fill up all the holes around our closet with caulk...classy as always, Wooster. So far, no more bats.
UPDATE: On Sunday night I came in from rehearsal to find a SECOND bat in our room. (Possibly the same one, and he's very persistant.) This time I had the assistance of Mr. Andrew Dirgo, who gallantly trapped it against the wall of my closet with a shoe box. On Monday I decided it was high time I informed security, and yesterday they sent over someone from the carpentry shop to fill up all the holes around our closet with caulk...classy as always, Wooster. So far, no more bats.
Monday, August 8
First order of business, for some reason I can't comment on any posts. It isn't a huge deal, but Eryn I think all your finds are lovely and I think a house rule should be clean your own dishes in a TIMELY FASHION since we no longer have the nice housekeeping lady to leave us friendly little notes. :) Also, I miss you bims and I'm SO EXCITED to get back.
Second order of business, yesterday my mother took me out shopping at...
wait for it...
I don't know if it exists anywhere else, but it's not like it's anything special, just a store FULL of kitcheny accessories. Which I now have a lot of. So here goes:
To begin with, my bed is sporting some green mixing bowls, a cutting board, a peeler, and a knife with lemons on it.
Pretty snazzy. (do people still say snazzy?)
Next we have a 3pack of what are probably some pretty crappy cookie sheets (for the mountains of cookies that we'll make the soccer boys eat), and some measuring utensils. One has an egg separator. If anyone ever uses the egg separator I will never stop mocking them. Or, every time someone uses the egg separator they have to take a shot. whichever.
Lastly we have a cooling rack that is severely not proportional (what is the word for that?) to the number of cookies I plan on baking, but it's a start. A garlic press so we ALWAYS use fresh garlic, if anyone buys pre-minced garlic, they have to take a shot, a potato masher cause it's really little and cute, some cool bamboo spoons, a spatula, and a little can opener thingy that I want to decorate cause it's a little ugly.
So there you go! All the things I am bringing that will make our kitchen the BEST KITCHEN in the world, so we can steal a million takeout boxes full of crap from lowry and cook cook cook all the time! :)
Thanksgiving dinner at Corner House?
Second order of business, yesterday my mother took me out shopping at...
wait for it...
I don't know if it exists anywhere else, but it's not like it's anything special, just a store FULL of kitcheny accessories. Which I now have a lot of. So here goes:
Pretty snazzy. (do people still say snazzy?)
So there you go! All the things I am bringing that will make our kitchen the BEST KITCHEN in the world, so we can steal a million takeout boxes full of crap from lowry and cook cook cook all the time! :)
Thanksgiving dinner at Corner House?
Thursday, August 4
I just found 3 odd little card games in my closet, only one of which I've actually played before, but they are all quirky and adorable and small enough to fit in my suitcase so I am bringing them to Woo with me!
Monty Python Fluxx
A sample of cards you can draw:

You draw characters, settings, problems, and resolutions, then make up a story to tie them all together. Example cards!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Quidditch Card Game
You can tell that it's OLD because it has the illustrations that used to be on HP merchandise before the movies came along. This is the one I've actually played, and I recall it being fun, but I was also 10, so, you know, I thought anything that had Harry Potter on it was pretty great. Oh wait. That's still true.
You can jinx your opponent with a card that has a turtleneck-wearing Snape who looks like the offspring of the Wicked Witch of the West and a vampire. Also, the illustrator lacked the imagination of whoever designed the movie costumes, because the Quidditch uniforms look exactly like bathrobes. What I'm trying to say is: clearly it's awesome.
Monty Python Fluxx
- Rabbits of Doom! You win if you have the Trojan Rabbit and the Killer Rabbit on the table in front of you.
- Nude Organist
- Unladen Swallow
- Outrageous Accent - If you speak with an outrageous accent during your turn, you may play 1 extra card.
You draw characters, settings, problems, and resolutions, then make up a story to tie them all together. Example cards!
- Characters: the relentlessly inquisitive reporter, the super-evolved sentient broccoli, the bleary-eyed waitress
- Settings: the dangerous objects factory, the beatnik coffeehouse, a clearing in the forest
- Problems: the interdimensional doorway is closing, "Who ate my brownies?", something is on fire
- Resolutions: they totally got away with it, a war was narrowly averted, he spent 6 weeks in the hospital
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Quidditch Card Game
You can jinx your opponent with a card that has a turtleneck-wearing Snape who looks like the offspring of the Wicked Witch of the West and a vampire. Also, the illustrator lacked the imagination of whoever designed the movie costumes, because the Quidditch uniforms look exactly like bathrobes. What I'm trying to say is: clearly it's awesome.
Friday, July 22
House rules?
Tuesday, July 19
Garage Sale Finds Part 2!
Wooster garage sales are definitely the best. If there are any still going on when everyone gets back to campus, we should def hit those up.

Crockpot! Don't worry, there's a lid. Probably from the 70s, but it appears serviceable! I've also picked up a knife and a rolling pin to augment our kitchen supplies.

Drunk Chess! I have already lost spectacularly to both Leann and Trip on this chess set, and look forward to doing so many more times throughout next year!
(Not from a garage sale) I found this at Uptown/Downtown today. It's wonderful! I basically want this woman's job! It has recipes for pigeon pie (I always wondered how they did that! Now I know!) and something Elizabethan called A Tart to Provoke Courage Either in Man or Woman (secret ingredient? sparrow brains) and also a lot of things that we might actually want to eat.
Crockpot! Don't worry, there's a lid. Probably from the 70s, but it appears serviceable! I've also picked up a knife and a rolling pin to augment our kitchen supplies.
Drunk Chess! I have already lost spectacularly to both Leann and Trip on this chess set, and look forward to doing so many more times throughout next year!
Sunday, July 10
Garage Sale Finds

1. Taj Mahal throw pillows
Thursday, June 23
I suck at google images.
SO along with a lot of useless things, I have also managed to procure two director's chairs. I had all sorts of dreams of what we would use them for, but when you search "directors chair beer" on google images, guess what comes up:

Thats right. I guess THAT'S what we'll be doing. Can anyone re-create a face that ridiculous, and, more importantly, is it possible to acquire enough white face paint to look like them?
Since our remake of New Moon seems iffy unless Pat Catans can order in bulk for us, I found ANOTHER picture that more accurately represents what we can do with directors chairs given our resources in Wayne County, Ohio.
Much better. Who wants to go chicken-catching?
If we don't manage to get the chicken, I just need everyone to picture it as a giant mojito, and THAT'S what I plan to use those chairs for. Thanks for nothing google. Maybe I should start using Bing.

Thats right. I guess THAT'S what we'll be doing. Can anyone re-create a face that ridiculous, and, more importantly, is it possible to acquire enough white face paint to look like them?
Since our remake of New Moon seems iffy unless Pat Catans can order in bulk for us, I found ANOTHER picture that more accurately represents what we can do with directors chairs given our resources in Wayne County, Ohio.
If we don't manage to get the chicken, I just need everyone to picture it as a giant mojito, and THAT'S what I plan to use those chairs for. Thanks for nothing google. Maybe I should start using Bing.
Wednesday, June 22
Things We're Making Next Year
...so far the list consists exclusively of baked goods that look like cute animals. Is this a problem? Absolutely not.
Panda Bread

Emily has just suggested Owl Cupcakes!

Oh, also this. Obvi.
Ice Planets
Panda Bread
Emily has just suggested Owl Cupcakes!
Oh, also this. Obvi.
Ice Planets

Monday, June 20
Well hello everyone. Whilst enjoying the benefits of being 21 years old (...with my parents...) I decided that I would write ANOTHER blog post whilst listening to Frank Sinatra to inform everyone of the collection that will be occurring in our abode. As of now. Also, whilst is a pretty cool world.
ANYWAY, my friend's parents just sold their house ( :( ) but she's going to be living in my house all summer ( :) ), so it's basically okay, and it ALSO means that they are trying to get rid of some of the absurd amounts of CRAP they have accumulated throughout the years (I'm allowed to say that cause I'm helping them move out -for payment :)-). This ALSO means that things that they would just throw away are going to meeee :). Sorry about the prominence of smileys in this situation, I'm trying to cut back.
So far (pretty much everything), we have a set of dishes (big plates, little plates, bowls), a couple mugs AND some kinda weirdly-shaped wine glasses (but who cares once there's some Bohemian Highway in them, amiright?). There's a mixing bowl and a tray in there for whatever use as well, and we also have a chance to acquire a hanging parrott-like decorative sculpture that I WILL bring to Wooster unless someone stops me within the next 24 hours. BAM.
Anyway, that's the news from here, I hope everyone's as EXCITED as I am!!!!
ANYWAY, my friend's parents just sold their house ( :( ) but she's going to be living in my house all summer ( :) ), so it's basically okay, and it ALSO means that they are trying to get rid of some of the absurd amounts of CRAP they have accumulated throughout the years (I'm allowed to say that cause I'm helping them move out -for payment :)-). This ALSO means that things that they would just throw away are going to meeee :). Sorry about the prominence of smileys in this situation, I'm trying to cut back.
So far (pretty much everything), we have a set of dishes (big plates, little plates, bowls), a couple mugs AND some kinda weirdly-shaped wine glasses (but who cares once there's some Bohemian Highway in them, amiright?). There's a mixing bowl and a tray in there for whatever use as well, and we also have a chance to acquire a hanging parrott-like decorative sculpture that I WILL bring to Wooster unless someone stops me within the next 24 hours. BAM.
Anyway, that's the news from here, I hope everyone's as EXCITED as I am!!!!
Tuesday, May 17
So I creeped on our house today
while "taking out the trash" (aka looting). Things I learned:
- The 3rd floor lounge is kind of spacious! It has a couple tables and wooden chairs, but nothing comfy. Which might account for its spaciousness. If we put in a couch and/or chairs it will be so cozy! Also pretty windows!
- The rooms are pretty large!
- The closets are real awkward, at least on the 3rd floor. They're long and narrow and I'm not sure one could really get past the clothes to get to the end but whatever. We can figure it out.
- That's kind of it. Corner was actually pretty clean, so we didn't spend much time there. (Unlike the Sig house. Vomit.) Dang! I forgot to check what kind of utensils were in the kitchen. It'll be a surprise.
I looted a dvd shelf from Bryan House (after wiping it down with Lysol first, don't worry) and a can opener from Troyer so um we'll have those things.
Also, guys, we are going to keep our house SO CLEAN next year. Most of the houses we went into today were repulsive.
UPDATE: We went back in today to vacuum, so I did recon on the kitchen. There are no pots or frying pans, that I could tell, so, poop. BUT there are a million billion cake pans, one of which is HEART-SHAPED (adorable!), AND also some muffin/cupcake tins, AND a couple jelly roll pans, so as far as baked goods go, we are SET. Also there are a lot of random cups. We shall not lack for beverage containers. I also stole a can of soup and an unopened box of pumpkin spice tea. The soup will probably feed me tomorrow, but we can try the tea in the fall! Eunice and David Bigelow assure me that it is Smooth and Satisfying.
- The 3rd floor lounge is kind of spacious! It has a couple tables and wooden chairs, but nothing comfy. Which might account for its spaciousness. If we put in a couch and/or chairs it will be so cozy! Also pretty windows!
- The rooms are pretty large!
- The closets are real awkward, at least on the 3rd floor. They're long and narrow and I'm not sure one could really get past the clothes to get to the end but whatever. We can figure it out.
- That's kind of it. Corner was actually pretty clean, so we didn't spend much time there. (Unlike the Sig house. Vomit.) Dang! I forgot to check what kind of utensils were in the kitchen. It'll be a surprise.
I looted a dvd shelf from Bryan House (after wiping it down with Lysol first, don't worry) and a can opener from Troyer so um we'll have those things.
Also, guys, we are going to keep our house SO CLEAN next year. Most of the houses we went into today were repulsive.
UPDATE: We went back in today to vacuum, so I did recon on the kitchen. There are no pots or frying pans, that I could tell, so, poop. BUT there are a million billion cake pans, one of which is HEART-SHAPED (adorable!), AND also some muffin/cupcake tins, AND a couple jelly roll pans, so as far as baked goods go, we are SET. Also there are a lot of random cups. We shall not lack for beverage containers. I also stole a can of soup and an unopened box of pumpkin spice tea. The soup will probably feed me tomorrow, but we can try the tea in the fall! Eunice and David Bigelow assure me that it is Smooth and Satisfying.
Friday, May 13
Monday, April 4
IS Monday Playlist
Why am I the only one writing on this blog? I feel like such a loser. >_< But hey, someone's gotta keep this up-to-date!
So today's idea is an IS Monday playlist, a compilation of all the songs that hold particular meaning to us, remind us of a certain moment during our Wooster years, or are just ridiculously awesome. I know, I know, IS Monday is a looooong ways away, but it certainly can't hurt to think about all the fun we're going to have.
Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith (NO. BRAINER.)
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
California - Phantom Planet
99 Luft Balloons - Nena
Stand By Me - The street performers filmed by SXSW
Electric Feel - MGMT
Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners
The Seed 2.0 - The Roots
I'll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan!!!
Take On Me - A Ha
Forever Young - Alphaville
Just a Friend - Biz Markie
Graduation (Friends Forever) - Vitamin C (The ultimate graduation song for people born in the nineties)
This list can go on foreverrrr. After all, we have all day IS Monday. Post your suggestions in the comments please! :)
So today's idea is an IS Monday playlist, a compilation of all the songs that hold particular meaning to us, remind us of a certain moment during our Wooster years, or are just ridiculously awesome. I know, I know, IS Monday is a looooong ways away, but it certainly can't hurt to think about all the fun we're going to have.
Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith (NO. BRAINER.)
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
California - Phantom Planet
99 Luft Balloons - Nena
Stand By Me - The street performers filmed by SXSW
Electric Feel - MGMT
Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners
The Seed 2.0 - The Roots
I'll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan!!!
Take On Me - A Ha
Forever Young - Alphaville
Just a Friend - Biz Markie
Graduation (Friends Forever) - Vitamin C (The ultimate graduation song for people born in the nineties)
This list can go on foreverrrr. After all, we have all day IS Monday. Post your suggestions in the comments please! :)
Sunday, April 3
Thursday, March 24
Post-It Note Wall
Lifetime Movie Sundays
Lifetime has finally done it. They made a movie so bad -- not even "Cruel Intentions is a bad movie, but I secretly love it" bad -- but undeniably, irrevocably, indelibly so bad that I couldn't even finish it.
What movie finally broke my tolerance and unashamed proclivity for over-dramatic, over-acted, and in general, over-the-top Lifetime productions?
Lies My Mother Told Me includes pretty much everything that is required in a Lifetime movie:
1. It's "based" on a true story
2. It's a story about women loving and supporting each other through adversity, with some vague lines about empowerment
3. As with all Lifetime movies, the plot jumps back and forth from present day to past events. It begins with ominous, flashing lights from a police car, an investigation/questioning, and the shifty-eyed heroine hugging herself and on the verge of tears, if not already crying.
4. Really flat narration
5. Sad flashbacks must in muted, sepia, or gray tones. Happy flashbacks are in bright tones. The present day is normal.
6. At least one carefree dance scene
7. At least one person with a fake Southern accent
8. An emotionally and/or physically abusive male spouse
11. Lots and lots and lotssss of crying. If someone isn't crying or scrunching up their face in preparation for waterworks once every five minutes, that means the movie isn't conveying enough emotion.
12. At least one person goes to jail
13. At least one person (either the character or the actress) wears a fake wig
14. A free-spirited, ambitious, and outgoing girl who just found herself in difficult circumstances and therefore should technically be forgiven for her deeds of murder, lying, kidnapping (Serious Moonlight), drugs, or prostitution (The Client List).
And here are some of my favorite Lifetime movies
The Client List, a classic
Pregnancy Pact does indeed depict a serious issue of teen access to open sexual education and birth control...but try not to laugh at some of the lines.
William and Kate doesn't premiere until April 18, but I am already in love with it! Did Lifetime actually hire British actors with real accents?! That's how you know they're taking it seriously!
And now I leave you with Sarah Haskins' "Target Women: Lifetime." We love you Sarah, come back!
Monday, March 14
Hippie Nonsense

Suit yourself, but his son Spiderman turned out just fine
Do we know other people with houses?

Should we?
I think so!
This is why I want to propose Pot Luck Lunes or something of the sort. I'll have Dan Casto come up with the name for me.
We could get other houses together and have potlucks where we all have dinner and drink and get silly and make friends. Then maybe some charades.
This is what I picture it looking like:

I'm not getting over this "ladies" business
And if each house only brings 2 or so things then we can switch off who has to make something (Eryn with Nora running around "helping")
Anywayz, then we can show off all the cool plateage we're going to buy!
Sunday, March 13
Party Themes
We all know the drill by now: if you live in a house, you gotta throw some fantastic parties! Being the ladies of the respectable, intellectually engaging, and alright, pretty damn nerdy Public History house, we can't just be hostesses to uncreative parties like "80's Night" (the 90's, however, are fine). So I've compiled a list of some classy, cocktail-type, and at times downright snooty party themes worthy of the Public History house.
1. History Halloween party
Dress up as your favorite historical figure or as a person from your favorite time era.
2. Cocktail time!
No brewskies allowed! Just delicious, or sometimes super experimental (read: crack face), cocktails.
"Just a hint of jalapeƱo juice..."
3. Murder Mystery House Party
Real-life Clue!!! We all have to dress up in 1920's era style and keep referring to the Great War with far-away looks in our eyes as if recollecting a memory too heartbreaking to bear...sigh.
Alright, I admit I've been on the wait list for the Downton Abbey dvd at my library for weeks now and this British period drama is partially my inspiration for this!
4. Wine and Cheese
Nuff said.
5. Piece of Art party
This idea comes from Nora: everyone dress up as a famous or your favorite piece of art (there is actually a Mondrian dress out there!). Living Classics, anyone?
6. Revolutionary Party
This idea comes from my friend Kristen who goes to Harvard (so you know it is certified snooty!). Each room within the house represents a different historical revolution. The American revolution, the Cuban revolution (interpretation: the entire soundtrack to Dirty Dancing Havana Nights), the French revolution, Dance Dance Revolution.
Include your ideas for party themes in the comments!!
Saturday, March 12
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